International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Reasoning Method: An Analysis from the Islamic Perspective

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This paper intends to identify and analyse the reasoning method adopted in Islamic researches. Reasoning means shift thinking through a few asserted statements until a proper statement is made. It involves proof and argument as well as determining the result quality of a research. If the reasoning method is firm, then the results of the investigation will be in high quality and vice versa. This paper attempt to examine and analyse aspects of reasoning that are important in generating results of this research. Based on library research, the discussion of this paper will be focusing on two matters. First, the paper will identify the method of reasoning found in the usual research method. Second, the conventional methods will be analysed critically. The first case will be demonstrated in the usual research method that possess several methods of reasoning such as inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. While in the second case, it will be summarized that the conventional reasoning method has some weakness which results in relaxation in proof and argument. Among the weaknesses are, it prone to errors, not firm enough to be used as evidence and bringing threat to faith.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, S. A. (2018). Reasoning Method: An Analysis from the Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 965–972.