International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Concept of Ta’awun in the Scientific Writing according to Al-Quran

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Sharing of names in writing is a familiar practice today. Generally, these practices take place among academicians to meet KPI's implementation requirements. However, the extent to which the partnership is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Islam? Is the partnership just fulfilling the need to share names in writing without any guidance in line with the ta'awun concept contained in the Qur'an? This paper aims to identify the concept of ta'awun according to the view of mufassir. Furthermore, this paper aims to analyze the concept of ta'awun in scientific writing. In order to realize these goals, library research is used through data collection methods. Whereas, content analysis methods are applied in data analysis. As a result, preliminary findings indicate that sharing of name in writing is a common practice among some academics. Preliminary findings also indicate that there is a partnership that occurs without complying with the requirements of the Islamic law that leads to the opposite treatment of Quranic verses.
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In-Text Citation: (Mazlan & Khairuldin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mazlan, N. S., & Khairuldin, W. M. K. F. W. (2018). The Concept of Ta’awun in the Scientific Writing according to Al-Quran. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 932–941.