This paper attempts to discuss the contribution of science of Balaghah in thought and Islamic knowledge. This is due to the strong assumption that there is influence of language on thought and knowledge. This paper focuses on two main issues, namely: (a) what is meant by the science of al-Balaghah? (b) how does the science of al-Balaghah contribute in knowledge and Islamic thought, namely theology, jurisprudence and mystic? This study is a library research using inductive deductive analysis. The result of the study finds that the science of balaghah particularly stylistic comparison (tasybih) including majaz isti'arah majaz tashrihiyyah (metaphor), majaz istiarah makniyah (personification) and kinayah (figurative) follow the science of Ma'ani with the inner structure and outer structure and is not only as tool of thought but also establish a pattern of thought and knowledge.
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In-Text Citation: (Aziz, Teh, & Annuar, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Aziz, H., Teh, K. S. M., & Annuar, T. M. (2018). Contribution of Science of Balaghah in Thought and Islamic Knowledge. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 910–921.
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