International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Discipline Learning as a Mediator in Relationship between Learning Styles with Academic Achievement

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This mediator is a mechanism that describes how one variable can affect other variables. Thus, this study was conducted to explain the role played by mediators to build discipline learning as a link between learning styles and student achievement. A total of 260 forms of four students, taking an additional Mathematics course at a secondary school in Kuala Terengganu District. Data were analyzed using version 21.0 from IBM-SPSS-AMOS (Package Statistics for Social Sciences - Moments Structure Analysis). The findings indicate that the mediator-linked test is supported and the type of mediator relation is partial mediation relationship because both indirect effects for learning style constructions on the construction of learning discipline and the construction of disciplined learning against the construction of academic achievement are significant, and the direct impact of learning styles built on the construction of academic achievement is also significant. Bootstrapping findings in this study are partial mediation effects because their direct effects are also significant and consistent with the findings of mediator linking tests in the testing procedure.
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In-Text Citation: (Chik & Abdullah, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Chik, Z., & Abdullah, A. H. (2018). The Role of Discipline Learning as a Mediator in Relationship between Learning Styles with Academic Achievement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 836–845.