Our world is facing the 4th wave of industrial revolution whereby machines and technology are taking over humans’ role. There has been concerns that humanistic values like an act of generosity within the society is dwindling due to this advancement. Philanthropic contribution is seen as a method to adverse the said impact. Still, this is dependent to the willingness of an individual to contribute as well as the knowledge of effective philanthropic mechanism. The practice of philanthropy is yet to become a nationally accepted culture as the number of the poor is increasing day by day. Besides, there has been a few cases of documented embezzlement of philanthropic funds that causes the public to be skeptical of the credibility of these philanthropic organizations; hence stopping them from contributing. Therefore, the aim of this study is to suggest a manual or guidelines to implement philanthropic practice nationwide. The data and information field regarding philanthropic practice amongst philanthropists are collected through semi-structured interviews from selective participants by purposive sampling method. Interview data is analyzed by using Atlas.ti and presented in the form of a final report. With this guidelines, any organization can adopt it for enculturing the philanthropic practices in their workplace and lives.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad, Don, Zabidi, Sulaiman, & Kasah, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, M. F., Don, M. A. M., Zabidi, M. M., Sulaiman, R., & Kasah, A. M. (2018). The National Model of Philanthropy towards the Global Philanthropic Practices. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 791–799.
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