International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Political Strategy of Indigenous Community of Towani Tolotang in Local Politics in Amparita, South Sulawesi

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The article explains the strategy of the Towani Tolotang indigenous community (Adat) in using its capitals in the political field. The Towani Tolotang community is one of the minority groups in Indonesia that has been discriminated by otherness such as State and Islamic group. But, during the political change of Indonesia, Towani Tolotang community has been survived in maintaining its existence and has always a representation in the local legislative assembly. By using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept about capital, the article concludes that in maintaining its existence, the community conducts two strategies, namely; Firstly, internally, the community practices a conservation strategy to strengthen a system of belief into the community, so-called orthodoxy through a series of practices in their daily life. Secondly, externally, the community practices the strategy of coexistence politics as a way to transform its power in the political field. Both are practiced by the community in politics fields simultaneously in order to survive from otherness like the pressure of the State and Islamic group in Amparita.
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In-Text Citation: (Afala, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Afala, L. M. (2018). Political Strategy of Indigenous Community of Towani Tolotang in Local Politics in Amparita, South Sulawesi. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 686–697.