International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Knowledge Transfer Program Implementation: A Review of Selected Countries

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This paper proposes a new element in a quintuple helix concept to extemporize a current practices of the Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP) in Malaysia. This study examines the current KTP practiced in Malaysia and other selected countries. The content analysis of selected countries shows that most are adapting and adopting either the triple helix concept or quadruple helix concept in their current practices to make use of the knowledge sharing between academia-industry, academia-community and academia-graduate intern- industry-community. Some KTPs did not clearly shows in their model the importance of natural environment, but we believe the marginal effect will indirectly benefit the natural environment and the sustainability of the countries. The adaptation and adoption of the quadruple helix concepts are relevant, but the extent to which it is implemented in KTP when taking into account the natural environment remains vague and not clearly stated in most of the countries.
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In-Text Citation: (Azman, Rahmat, Mohd, & Samsurijan, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Azman, A., Rahmat, S. R., Mohd, S., & Samsurijan, M. S. (2018). Knowledge Transfer Program Implementation: A Review of Selected Countries. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 589–597.