International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Approaches that Influence Call Centre Employees’ Motivation in Malaysian Outsourcing Company

Open access

Muhammad Hafiz Abd Rashid, Muhammad Iskandar Hamzah, Abd Kadir Othman, Aida Azlina Mansor, Rahayu Hasanordin

Pages 475-483 Received: 26 Jun, 2018 Revised: 14 Aug, 2018 Published Online: 28 Nov, 2018
Effective approaches to motivate employees can be seen as the essential supplemental nutrition for enhancing employees’ performance in any service business. Due to this notion, this study seeks to investigate the approaches that can influence the motivation level of call centre employees in outsourcing company in Malaysia. Malaysia has become as one of the popular destination for outsourcing besides India and Philippines. The availability of local graduates and their ability to converse in English were believed to be among the popular reasons. There are various approaches that could be employed to measure the level of employee’s motivation. However, the researcher plans to employ the approaches consisting of employee ownership, teamwork/gain sharing, pay for knowledge, pay for performance and job enrichment for this study. By conducting this study, outsourcing companies will be able to gain insight that can help them to improve which indirectly will boost employee’s motivation and satisfaction.
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In-Text Citation: (Rashid, Hamzah, Othman, Mansor, & Hasanordin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Rashid, M. H. A., Hamzah, M. I., Othman, A. K., Mansor, A. A., & Hasanordin, R. (2018). The Approaches that Influence Call Centre Employees’ Motivation in Malaysian Outsourcing Company. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 475–483.