This article aims to analyze the issue of women's struggle for their reproductive rights from the Islamic worldview. The struggle of women to the reproductive rights that has been propagated in the west recently is spreading among communities in Malaysia. The reproductive rights such as the rights to abortion, choose maternity, determination of child's gender and number of children become common issues related to the practices of a woman's private rights. However, this belief brings confusion among Muslims when these practices based on the individual's basic rights failed to achieve the betterment of the women. This seems to manifest the failure of maqasid Shariah (objectives of Islamic law) that is giving benefits and eliminating harm. The struggle for reproductive rights sometimes may violate the fundamental principles of the Holy Qur'an as mentioned in some Quranic verses relating to human rights including for women. The data were obtained from the interpretation of some related Quranic verses as well as the works in the fields of Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and medicine; and interviews with experts in the field of obstetrics. It is found that there are some efforts of striving for reproductive rights based on the human basic rights are contradicting to the fundamental principles of the Holy Quran and need to be prevented from being spread among Muslim community. The understanding of this issue should consider the impact of such practices that will violate maqasid shariah as the underlying foundations of the Malaysian shariah index of health and medical aspects. This article recommends as a guideline to current practices in evaluating women's reproductive rights that is based on a woman's basic rights.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail, Salleh, Embong, Daud, & Nordin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, S. K., Salleh, S. F., Embong, R., Daud, N., & Nordin, N. (2018). Women’s Struggle for Reproductive Rights from the Islamic Worldview. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 421–436.
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