International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Qur'an as an Approach to Construct the Curriculum of Values for the Secondary School Students to Prevent the Negative Impact of Social Media

Open access
Despite of the benefits that social media offered – which benefits the adolescents of secondary students in different aspects of study and life, but the whispered use in negative manners randomly, led to negative psychological, moral and educational impact on this group of students, that led to create an environment for mental illnesses, autism, the reasons to be concerned, confusion, depression, and the spread of bad morals such as spying, rumors, sexual harassment, animosities suicide, and the failure of many students at this stage in academic achievement. The current research is based on the inductive method and the analytical descriptive method to suggest the construction Curriculum of values for the secondary school students based on The Qur'an. The research resulted in a proposed conception of the values-based method of the Holy Quran to face the negative effects: psychological, moral, and study, as well as building positive values that protect adolescents and encourage them towards success and excellence psychological, moral and positive in the construction of community, the research recommends to construct the methods of values in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, to face the dangers of social media for university students, and students before the university.
The Holy Qur’an.
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In-Text Citation: (Baioumy & Al-Qudah, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Baioumy, N., & Al-Qudah, Y. (2018). The Qur’an as an Approach to Construct the Curriculum of Values for the Secondary School Students to Prevent the Negative Impact of Social Media. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 374–381.