Social entrepreneurship is an activity with an embedded social purpose, has been on the ascendancy in recent decades. A partial index of this surge is revealed by the increase in the number of nonprofit organizations. The key focus for social entrepreneurship is addressing the social problem and taking action to eliminate this problem from society. This article analyzes the impact of social concern with a new wing of the general business model which will include CSR and Social entrepreneurship. Organizations can deliver social goods with business acumen by this model and we can ensure employment, poverty reduction, and attain a balance within our community. We find that social business brings the competitive advantage on CSR to achieve long-run social balance in our society, and a new business model will deliver more impact rather than existing giving system. The social business scenario in Bangladesh can also contribute to fulfilling of the social demand and secure work and property reduction in the long run.
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In-Text Citation: (Shorkar & Hong, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Shorkar, M. A. N., & Hong, W. (2018). Integrated Model and Study on the Prominence of Social Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 181–197.
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