The issue of unmarried teen pregnancies is often calls the subject of attention of various parties. Statistics from the relevant authorities namely the Welfare Department of Malaysia and those of the National Registry Department of Malaysia point to the steady annual increase in the number of unmarried teen pregnancies. This study looks at the aspects of the sources whereby information on sexuality are obtained by unmarried teens at one of the women’s shelter in Malaysia. Results showed that a number of sources the respondents often resort to, for sexual information among the favoured choices are information’s gained from friends, boy/girlfriends, compact disc (cd), video compact disk (vcd), the internet and books/magazines. Parents however, are those least consulted on the aspects of sexuality. It follows that parental monitoring is required to ensure that teenage would not get the wrong information’s on sexuality. The issue of unmarried teen pregnancies is often calls the subject of attention of various parties. Statistics from the relevant authorities namely the Welfare Department of Malaysia and those of the National Registry Department of Malaysia point to the steady annual increase in the number of unmarried teen pregnancies. This study looks at the aspects of the sources whereby information on sexuality are obtained by unmarried teens at one of the women’s shelter in Malaysia. Results showed that a number of sources the respondents often resort to, for sexual information among the favoured choices are information’s gained from friends, boy/girlfriends, compact disc (cd), video compact disk (vcd), the internet and books/magazines. Parents however, are those least consulted on the aspects of sexuality. It follows that parental monitoring is required to ensure that teenage would not get the wrong information’s on sexuality.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamaluddin, Manaf, Sayuti, Zain, & Ahmad, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Jamaluddin, Z., Manaf, A. R. A., Sayuti, R., Zain, R. M., & Ahmad, N. A. (2018). Sexuality and Sources of Information?: A Study of Unwed Teenage Mother’s in Women’s Shelter in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(11), 67–75.
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