International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Aboriginal People’s Perceptions, Knowledge and Practices in Enhancing Family Planning

Open access

Rosniza Aznie, C.R., Novel Lyndon, Sivapalan Selvadurai, Mimi Hanida, A.M., Syahiran, M.D., Mazrin Rohizaq, C.R.

Pages 94-102 Received: 21 Aug, 2018 Revised: 01 Oct, 2018 Published Online: 12 Nov, 2018
This paper examines the relations between socioeconomic characteristics, attitudes, and familial contraceptive use. The previous family planning programs in indigenous people’s community (Orang Asli) have been mainly focused on women and social landscape. This research is focusing on the various factors that enhancing family planning practices among Orang Asli communities based on the elementary research that has been done in rural area around Peninsular Malaysia. The results suggest that higher knowledge of contraceptives usage, a generally negative attitude towards limiting family size for economic reasons will consequently lower the rates of contraceptive use. Respondents who were willing to use contraceptives were more willing to use them for child spacing purposes than explicitly for limiting family size. Further than that, from assessment based on the significant of suitable regression analysis, the study has shown that lot of other factors (by the prohibition from husband, the couples belief, the customs and traditions and the lifestyle) are more significant in family planning practices among the respondent. The study has also shows that the Orang Asli communities in Malaysia have progressively acknowledge the importance of health aspect. However, many are still hesitance to accept the various type of family planning method suggested in the modern way. Thus, the outcomes of this research give multiple suggestions on the effort to increase the society knowledge towards the current and potential trends in fertility through the National Population Policy.
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In-Text Citation: (Rosniza Aznie et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Rosniza Aznie, C. R., Lyndon, N., Vivien, Y. W. C., Siti Norsakira, M., Syahiran, M. D., Jali, M. F. M., Mohd Azlan, A. & Mazrin Rohizaq, C.R. (2018). The Literacy Experience of Indigenous People in Pahang, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(13) Special Issue: Community Development & Social Mobility, 85–93.