International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Measuring the Factors of Employees’ Job Satisfaction among Lecturers in UiTM Melaka

Open access

Abdul Rauf Bin Ridzuan, Nor ‘Aqilah binti Ahamad Baharudin, Shafinar Ismail, Ahmad Fadhly Arham, Nadia Mohd Nazri, Muhammad Fadhli Abdul Rahman

Pages 899-914 Received: 17 Sep, 2018 Revised: 13 Oct, 2018 Published Online: 04 Nov, 2018
This research is basically aimed to recognize and measure the factors of employees’ job satisfaction among lecturers specifically in the organization of UiTM Melaka, Campus of Alor Gajah. In the world of development, this topic is prominent in its way as every organization needs to improve their employees’ satisfaction to produce a decent job (Wan Ahmad & Abdurahman, 2015). There were many familiar present studies in this field that may be a strong stand to be referred. By using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Herzberg Motivator-Hygiene Theory which are related to job satisfaction field, there were four relevant factors of employees’ job satisfaction; work relationships, job security, self-efficiency and payment and reward. A survey is conducted based on Krejcie and Morgan Table, N=340, S=181. A total of 212 questionnaires were answered by the lecturers of UiTM Melaka, Campus of Alor Gajah as purposely sampling and produced the results. The findings of this research resulted Multiple Linear Regression Method that lead the positive significant on three of the factors; work relationship, self-efficiency, payment and reward while negative significant to the factor is job security. To promote the satisfaction of the staffs, the organization must consider these variables in order to gain the best brain.
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In-Text Citation: (Ridzuan et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ridzuan, A. R. Bin, Baharudin, N. ‘Aqilah binti A., Ismail, S., Arham, A. F., Nazri, N. M., & Rahman, M. F. A. (2018). Measuring the Factors of Employees’ Job Satisfaction among Lecturers in UiTM Melaka. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 899–914.