International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors affecting Firm Performance of SMEs in Malaysia

Open access

Najihah Hanisah Marmaya, Noraznira Abd Razak, Melissa Wee, Rizuwan Karim, Abd Rauf Ridzuan

Pages 788-798 Received: 13 Sep, 2018 Revised: 18 Oct, 2018 Published Online: 24 Oct, 2018
The study purpose is to identify the impact of factors (entrepreneurial orientation, information acquisition, and information utilization) on firm performance of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), in Malaysia. A quantitative method was adopted in this study and responses from 150 respondents that were chosen from the list population of SMEs in Malaysia were used. Regression analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis of study and establish the causal effect of entrepreneurial orientation, information acquisition, and information utilization towards firm performance of SMEs. The findings show that only two factors (information acquisition and information utilization) influence firm performance while entrepreneurial orientation was not found to relate with firm performance. Based on the results, the researcher found that information utilization was the most influence factors on firm performance of SMEs. The researcher suggests that SMEs should strengthening the effective marketing strategy or formulation of their business. Besides that, to improve acquire information of SMEs, they should be creative and innovative. Future study should increase sample size, choose multiple background industry, use qualitative methods or use other factors to relate with the performance of SMEs.
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In-Text Citation: (Marmaya, Razak, Wee, Karim, & Ridzuan, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Marmaya, N. H., Razak, N. A., Wee, M., Karim, R., & Ridzuan, A. R. (2018). Factors affecting Firm Performance of SMEs in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 789–798.