International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Attaching Student Teachers for Five Terms for their Teaching Practice

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The research explores the effect of attaching student teachers to primary schools for five terms in line with the 2-5-2 teacher training model. The thrust of the research was to establish the extent to which students? attachment to schools is benefitting schools since existing research suggests that only the student benefits from the practice. The descriptive survey research design was employed. The population comprised 70 teachers and 3 school heads from 3 schools in Masvingo District. Data was collected through questionnaire, interview and observation. Findings indicated that Teaching Practice benefits both the student teachers and the schools to which they are attached. Students play a significant role in the establishment of Early Childhood Development (ECD) outdoor and indoor centres. The research also revealed that students make immense contributions in class management and this enhances schools? pass rates. On the other hand, it emerged that some student teachers often have problems in content mastery. It was recommended that stakeholders be sensitised on the contributions made by student teachers towards the wellbeing of the school so that they give them the necessary support for the student teachers to do even better.
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In-Text Citation: (Admire, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Admire, M., Nyakunhuwa, S. T., Webster, K. (2018). The Effect of Attaching Student Teachers for Five Terms for their Teaching Practice. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 551–564.