International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Female Circumcision between View of Islamic Scholars and Medical Experts

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Circumcision is one of the practices in sharia (laws) of Islam and it is practiced by Muslims since years ago. It is done to the male and also female individual. For male, it is obligatory (wajib) according to majority of scholars, but for female the scholars contradict each other on its status whether it is obligatory, recommended (sunat) or neutral (makramah/harus). The purpose of this study is to discuss on the opinions of Islamic scholars about female circumcision and the evidences that they use to find a more suitable opinion with the need (maslahah) of Muslim women nowadays and to see the extent of its relationship with medical field, besides to the extent of its practice among women in Malaysia in accordance to the view of Syafi‘is school of thought which is the belief of Muslims in Malaysia. The methodology used in this writing was based on qualitative study. Data were collected through library study by referring to books related to tafsir (interpretation of Qur’an), sunnah (Prophet’s traditions), classical books of Islamic jurisprudence, contemporary Islamic jurisprudence, encyclopedia of medical Islamic jurisprudence and views of Islamic scholars and today’s medical experts. This study found that the suitable opinion to be implemented to female circumcision nowadays is that it is neutral only in Islamic law and not obligatory, due to ambiguity of proposed evidences from many aspects, while the procedures of circumcision should be referred to medical experts. The practice of circumcision among women in Malaysia does not conform to the view of scholars from Syafi‘is school of thought and also does not involve with the prohibition published by WHO.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim, Khairi, & Jusoh, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, B., Khairi, F., & Jusoh, J. M. (2018). Female Circumcision between View of Islamic Scholars and Medical Experts. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 509–523.