International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Zakat on Gold and the Awareness of Muslims in Terengganu

Open access

Engku Muhammad Tajuddin Engku Ali, Ahmad Tirmizi Taha, Mahadi Mohammed, Syed Mohd Azmi Syed Ab Rahman , Zaharah Salwati Baba

Pages 500-508 Received: 07 Sep, 2018 Revised: 18 Oct, 2018 Published Online: 31 Oct, 2018
Islam has laid down clear rules and regulations related to wealth on which zakah is a religious obligation. Zakah is made obligatory among others on life stock, agricultural product, gold and silver, business profits and treasure. Although gold is clearly mentioned as items subjected to zakah, the knowledge of Muslims about its details is still questionable. This study aims to identify the level of knowledge among Muslims in Terengganu on the rules and regulations of zakah on gold. This study will use a quantitative approach with the aim of revealing the measure of knowledge among the Muslim society in Terengganu on zakat related to gold. This outcome will help the relevant religious authorities in Terengganu to undertake appropriate measures in order to increase the level of knowledge among the society on this pillar of Islam component.
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In-Text Citation: (Ali, , Ahmad Tirmizi Taha, Rahman, & Baba, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ali, E. M. T. E., , Ahmad Tirmizi Taha, M. M., Rahman, S. M. A. S. A., & Baba, Z. S. (2018). Zakat on Gold and the Awareness of Muslims in Terengganu. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 500–508.