International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Premature Babies: Contributing Factors, Problems and Need for Milk Bank

Open access

Normadiah Daud, Nur Hidayah Ashar, Rahimah Embong, Nadhirah Nordin, Siti Khatijah Ismail, Hasanuldin Mohamad, Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil

Pages 330-339 Received: 09 Sep, 2018 Revised: 13 Oct, 2018 Published Online: 31 Oct, 2018
This article aims to discuss the critical need of premature babies for the milk bank in the Muslim society. It is a matter of fact that the increment in numbers of premature births annually is quite significant based on the statistics about it since year 2005 up to the present. The issue of premature births should be concerned by the Ministry of Health and community because of the high risk of death. Premature babies are categorized as high risk if not getting breast milk and this could bring harm to them. Therefore, milk bank should be developed to save their lives. This is because it gives betterment (maslahah) more than harm (mafsadah) for Muslims. This study was qualitative and used content analysis method. The data were obtained from primary and secondary relevant sources. This article elucidates the definition of premature infants, statistical information of premature births, contributing factors to the premature birth, diseases that are susceptible to them and lastly their need for breastmilk that lead to the development of milk bank. All parties should put mutual efforts in ensuring the milk bank to be successfully implemented.
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In-Text Citation: (Daud et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Daud, N., Ashar, N. H., Embong, R., Nordin, N., Ismail, S. K., Mohamad, H., & Abdelgelil, M. F. M. (2018). Premature Babies: Contributing Factors, Problems and Need for Milk Bank. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 330–339.