International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Instrumental Motivation Orientation vs Integrative among Arabic Language and Literature Diploma Students

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Motivation is the key and the driver of success in language learning. There are two types of orientations that are often associated with language learning motivation which are integrative and instrumental. This paper aims to identify the dominant type of motivational orientation among Arab language learners. This study survey involves a total of 103 Arabic diploma students at the Terengganu university. They are systematically chosen randomly. Questionnaires have been used to obtain data. It was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings showed that integrative motivation orientation was more dominant among the students and almost all of the students were in the integrative motivational orientation level. However, instrumental motivation is still at a high level.
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In-Text Citation: (Teh, Sulaiman, & Yusoff, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Teh, K. S. M., Sulaiman, A. A., & Yusoff, N. M. R. N. (2018). Instrumental Motivation Orientation vs Integrative among Arabic Language and Literature Diploma Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 308–314.