International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Determinant Method of Data Validity Based On Mutawatir Concept in ‘Ilm Al-Qira’at

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This paper has two principal purposes. First, to identify the determinant method of data validity in common research methodology. Second, to analyze the determinant method of data validity based on mutawatir concept in ‘Ilm al-Qira’at. Mutawatir concept is one of the most important condition in ‘Ilm al-Qira’at to determine the authenticity of a qira’at. A qira’at which do not meet the conditions set out in the concept mutawatir cannot be considered a qira’at mutawatirat. If these requirements are not met, then a qira’at less and are not counted as one of the recitation of the Qur'an. Based on the concept of accuracy of mutawatir, he views can be used to determine the data either investigation. Thus, there are two issues that arise which is whether the flaws contained in the means of determining common investigation data conference? Is there a corresponding concept indeed became one of the means of determining the data either investigation? To answer both of these questions, this paper uses the method of content analysis and library. Based on goals and issues raised, formulated that the elements contained in the concept of necessity as the number of narrators mutawatir and narrators’ characteristics allow the concept of mutawatir according as one of the means the determination of the Conference data.
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In-Text Citation: (Aziz & Hanapi, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Aziz, N. S. binti A., & Hanapi, M. S. (2018). A Determinant Method of Data Validity Based On Mutawatir Concept in ‘Ilm Al-Qira’at. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 202–211.