International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Women in the Military: Analysis of Selected Cases from the Rahiq Al-Makhtum Scripture

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In Malaysia, the official participation of women in the armed forces began in early 1964. This was also the beginning of women’s involvement in the other branches of the military, such as the navy and air force. During their involvement in these services, they were burdened with heavy responsibilities as well as high positions in the armed forces. This differs with the role of women involved in the army based on the Rahiq al-Makhtum scripture. Hence, what was the role of women in the army according to the Rahiq al-Makhtum scripture? Were they also in the front lines during war and holding high positions in the army? Therefore, this study aimed to achieve two objectives. First, identify the selected cases related to the role of women in the army mentioned in the Rahiq al-Makhtum scripture; and, second, analyse the role of women in the army according to selected cases. This exploratory study used secondary data that were analysed using the content analysis method. The study found that the role of women in the army based on selected cases in the Rahiq al-Makhtum scripture were namely assistants in the army, provide food and water, treat the wounded, army reserves during the war, supporters of the army as well as to protect the Prophet SAW. Although during the Prophet’s SAW time women did not hold high positions in the military, it was not forbidden for women to do so provided they could safeguard the religion and culture.
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In-Text Citation: (Yasin & Hanapi, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Yasin, Y. F., & Hanapi, M. S. (2018). The Role of Women in the Military: Analysis of Selected Cases from the Rahiq Al-Makhtum Scripture. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 135–146.