International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Abhorrent Character in Development Actor: An Analysis Based on the selected Parable (Tamthiliyyat) in Al-Qur’an

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The parable (tamthiliyyat) is one of the style (uslub) in al-Qur’an. The tamthiliyyat elements in al-Qur’an are the verses (ayah) that have a similiarity between one to the others. They have a lot of aims and objectives such as to give some lessons and educate the mankind. So, the mankind is a main entity as the actor wheter in the conventional development and the Islamic development. But, their different functions will make the character also will be different to. In al-Qur’an, the human as the actor also potray their own type of tamthiliyyat that are the good (mahmudah) characters and the mazmumah characters. The questions are first, what are the verses (ayah) of the representation that contained in al-Qur’an? Second, how these actors are represented in the form of tamthiliyyat in al-Qur’an? In order to answer both questions, this paper will have two main objectives. First, to find out the tamthiliyyat that contained in the verses (ayah) of al-Qur’an in form of the mazmumah character of the actors in al-Qur’an and second, to analyse the character of the actors in that verses (ayah). This research is using the thematic methodology of the commentaries of al-Qur’an (tafsir al-Qur’an). Among the findings are the tamthiliyyat of a dog to represent a greediness for the sake of him or herself. Besides that, there is also tamthiliyyat of a donkey that refer to those who take for granted towards the commands of Allah Almighty but actually they knew them. All the mazmumah character must to be avoid in order to get Allah’s blessings.
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In-Text Citation: (Yahaya & Hanapi, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Yahaya, N. F., & Hanapi, M. S. (2018). The Abhorrent Character in Development Actor: An Analysis Based on the selected Parable (Tamthiliyyat) in Al-Qur’an. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 126–134.