International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Contemplation as a Mean to Achieve Recognition of Allah

Open access

Abdullah M.S., Omar S.H.S., Mohammed Muneer’deen Olodo Al-Shafi’i, Mohd Hasrul Shuhari, Norislalizan Harun, Wan Hishamuddin Wan Jusoh, Aman Daima Mohd Zin

Pages 119-125 Received: 27 Sep, 2018 Revised: 17 Oct, 2018 Published Online: 30 Oct, 2018
Al-tafakkur is an important practice of using contemplative techniques, to analyze the events of Allah’s creatures, to gain confidence in everything related to ma’rifah Allah in tasawwuf. A believer in Allah increases in his faith in Allah and piety through insightful and hearty contemplations. In addition, al-tafakkur is one of the ways to remembering Allah and the hereafter, to obtain patience, peace, and tranquility. The study is an analytical study based on library resources. The study finds that al-tafakkur is an important element of tasawwuf, an essential foundation that one needs to increase in ma’rifah Allah. This is because ma’rifah Allah is applied in the discipline of tasawwuf to aim for the existence of faith and piety of Allah s.w.t, which is the main pillar in the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah. Without iman (faith) and taqwa (piety), the Aqidah is believed to be unstable and unable to guide to the perfection of obedience to Allah. Therefore, it is worth noting that al-tafakkur is not merely a practice that refers to the contemplation and analysis of an incident of God’s creatures; it is a special and obligatory practice in achieving ma’rifah Allah and His love as the most important part of life.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, M. S., Omar, S. H. S., Al-Shafi’i, M. M. O., Shuhari, M. H., Harun, N., Jusoh, W. H. W., & Zin, A. D. M. (2018). Contemplation as a Mean to Achieve Recognition of Allah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 119–125.