International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Ethical Education Haji Abdullah Idris

Open access
Sufism was long established in Kelantan before Tuan Tabal (1840-1894) began actively spreading the Ahmadiyyah order in Kota Bharu in the 1870s. So, when it comes to the question of the presence of tarekat in the land of Kelantan then it refers to the Ahmadiyya Sufis order as Negeri Sembilan because in both states only the order of Ahmadiyya is found wide-ranging. This article will discuss another Ahmadiyya successor in the State of Kelantan, he is a student of Haji Abdullah Idris and the legacy of Sidi Muhammad Azahari. This article will focus on the teaching of spiritual education Haji Abdullah Idris. This qualitative study uses data collection and data analysis methods. To obtain accurate data of library methods and interviews have been used. The results of the study analysis are divided into three main thrusts, the first personal motivation of the character, the eminent figure, the essence of the life of Haji Abdullah Idris. Hopefully this study will attract students and pave the way for researchers and other historians to explore in greater depth the various information related to Haji Abdullah Idris and the Kelantan Ahmadiyya Sufis order.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamed et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mohamed, M. L., Omar, S. H. S., Abdullah, W. I. ., Musa, R., Mustafa, M. F., & Abdelgelil, M. F. M. (2018). Ethical Education Haji Abdullah Idris. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 84–90.