International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Inculcating Students Civic Awareness through Friere’s Critical Pedagogy Practice as a Current Alternative Method of Teaching and Learning (PdP)

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In realizing the form of education that is compatible with the existent needs of the current generations, this study asserts the significance of the educational transformation according to the suitability of the current educational needs, especially with regard to the teaching strategy in instilling civic awareness in students in Malaysia. Thus, an action research was conducted by a researcher in the effort to identify the potential of Friere’s critical pedagogy as an alternative teaching approach in the effort to instill civic awareness among students. Using the model action study methodology by Kemmis & McTaggart (2000), the focus of this study is to identify the capability of the students to reason the events related to the civic issues through the writing of short stories. Related to this, the study outcome finds that Friere’s critical pedagogy practice (1976) is able to instill the students’ civic awareness, by making a discourse of eight main themes (8) about civic issues inserted in the writing of the short stories. The finding of this study is able to confirm the teaching and facilitating practice (PdPc) in using the critical pedagogical practice that is able to instill the civic awareness affectively among the students of SMK Datuk Haji Mohamed Nor Ahmad, Gelugor, Pulau Pinang.
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In-Text Citation: (Hashim & Chin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Hashim, N. S. B. H. N., & Chin, L. F. H. (2018). Inculcating Students Civic Awareness through Friere’s Critical Pedagogy Practice as a Current Alternative Method of Teaching and Learning (PdP). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 909–916.