International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Feasibility Study in Digitization of Records and Archives

Open access

Eiressziennie Zakaria, Saiful Farik Mat Yatin, Elia Elizaberth Rujilis, Nadiah Abdul Hamid

Pages 758-769 Received: 01 Aug, 2018 Revised: 27 Aug, 2018 Published Online: 15 Oct, 2018
The definition of feasibility study is the analysis of a problem to determine if it can be solved effectively. Digitization content may include text, sound, image and voice are stored as electronic files and viewed and edited on a computer. The term is often used for the scanning of analogue sources, such as printed photos or taped videos into computers for editing, but it also can refer to audio and textures map transformation. There are several problems that being faced by the organization that make a digitization of their collection related to limited access of their collection. The more technology advances, the more converged the system of digitization that can increase the cost of maintenance to make sure that the digitization system functions well. Due to the fact that digitization will incur a huge cost, feasibility study is needed to assess the strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats (SWOT) of a proposed project and present direction and interventions of activities which will improve a project and achieve the desired results. This paper discusses about various issues in feasibility study in digitization of records and archives such as legal, political, economic, social, cultural, technical, safety, environmental, managerial, financial, market and organizationally feasibility.
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria, Yatin, Rujilis, & Hamid, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, E., Yatin, S. F. M., Rujilis, E. E., & Hamid, N. A. (2018). The Feasibility Study in Digitization of Records and Archives. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 758–769.