International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Process and Innovation Performance

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Purpose- The aim of this research to understand the impact of entrepreneurial leadership to innovation performance. The results of this study also will support or reject the results of the previous study by Musa and Fontana (2017). Conclusive is a design of this study and causal research became the type of this research. Samples from this study are employees of the government enterprise and the private company located in Surabaya.
Design/methodology/approach- With convenience sampling technique obtained 50 respondents. The data analysis technique used is SEM PLS. Entrepreneurial leadership is measured by 10 statements from four (4) includes a strategic indicator (3 items), communicative (2 items), personal factors (3 items), as well as motivational factor (2 items). While innovation process variables measured through 8 statement by indicators: idea generation (2 items), idea of selection (2 items), idea of development (2 items), idea of diffusion (2 items). The last variable that innovation performance is measured through 10 items of questions through 5 following indicators: internal performance (2 items), technical performance (3 items), commercial performance (1 item), social performance (2 items), and economic performance (2 items).
Result - The resluts of this study show that Hypotheses H1a-H1d showing positive relationship between EL and IP. The findings also support hypotheses H2b and H2c (between EL to Isel and EL to Idev). However, Hypotheses H2a and H2d were not supported.
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In-Text Citation: (Indawati, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Indawati, N. (2018). The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Process and Innovation Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 573–593.