International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sustainable Practices for Existing Building: Perspective of Local Authorities in Malaysia

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The progressive growth off building stocks over a period should not be ignored, because the implications have already affected the environment, economy and social aspect of the sustainable goal. Today, people, building, organisations and environment affected demands a holistic changes and improvement that need to be taken seriously. Adoption of sustainable practices in existing buildings specifically building owned by the government is a sign of sustainable commitment being practised and cultivates the appropriate approach. Such implementation should enhance the performance of local authority role and the existing building performance. This study discovered the area of concern that can enhance the sustainable practices implementation in local authority existing building. Data collected through interview (semi-structured) interviewed with 10 participants ranging from building managers, officers or senior officers. The result was generate using content analysis method. 16 sustainability Initiatives were discovered which demonstrate some significant effort from local authorities in managing their existing building. However, the effort still lacking to lead in becoming a role model towards sustainability. These organisation required more improvement and additional adoption to lead in sustainable practices. Hence, measuring the effectiveness of the practices should be explore including developing a model as guidance for this organisations to adopt towards becoming sustainable champion.
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In-Text Citation: (Hamzah, Hasim, & Jie, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Hamzah, N. F., Hasim, M. S., & Jie, K. Q. (2018). Sustainable Practices for Existing Building: Perspective of Local Authorities in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 710–724.