International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of Sustainability Assessment Tools (SATs) for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

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During the last few years, there are many sustainability assessment tools (SATs) were developed and introduced to higher education institutions (HEIs) that functions to guide and assess the commitment of HEIs to implement sustainability. The aim of this study is to review and analysis four existing SATs namely as Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS), Campus Sustainability Assessment Framework (CSAF), UI GreenMetric Ranking and Sustainable Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) which have been embedded and used as their sustainability guidance by many institutions in the world. The analysis is conducted by reviewing the indicators contained within the SATs and then the indicators will be gathered according 1) to the aspect of sustainability; environment, social and economics and 2) between the key elements of each SAT. Result found that there were a significant imbalanced proportion of indicators between the aspect of sustainability and between the key elements of sustainability among the sustainability assessment tools.
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In-Text Citation: (Husaini, Jusoh, & Kassim, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Husaini, M. Z., Jusoh, A., & Kassim, M. S. (2018). Analysis of Sustainability Assessment Tools (SATs) for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 558–571.