International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Reliability, Validity and Fairness of Interviews for Teaching and Learning Project in Quality Early Childhood Care and Education: Preliminary Study

Open access

Nordin Mamat, Loy Chee Luen, Nor Mashitah Mohd Radzi, Sopia Md Yassin, Syahida Iryani Mohd Yusoff

Pages 1283-1292 Received: 15 Sep, 2018 Revised: 15 Sep, 2018 Published Online: 05 May, 2018
This paper aims to identify reliability, validity and fairness of interviews in Project Determining Contributing Factors of Quality Early Childhood Care and Education. Three types of interview apply in this project encompasses individual interview, group interviews and focus group interview. Individual interview involves government officer, early childhood care and education expert, educational, researcher and non-governmental organization. Group interviews involves government officer, operator and supervisor. Focus group interview involves operator, supervisor, child care provider, teacher, parent and guardian. Interview guidelines for teaching and learning in this project has five section. The first section of the interview focus on child care provider’s or teacher roles and responsibilties. Second section focus on childcare provider or teacher and children interaction. Third section focus on environment, facilities and resources. Fourth section focus on teaching strategies and learning management. Fifth section focus on observation and assessment. Preliminary study of interview transcript’s analysis consist of Phase I and Phase II. Phase I involved 23 transcripts with 9 group of respondents meanwhile Phase II involved 33 transcripts with 8 group of respondents. Phase I and Phase II interview transcripts analysis with paired comparison to produce nodes in NVIVO. After paired comparison, intra and inter group comparison implement to produce nodes and maps. It is hoped that these process of interview can be identify reliability, validity and fairness of Interviews in project.
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In-Text Citation: (Mamat, Luen, Radzi, Yassin, & Yusoff, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mamat, N., Luen, L. C., Radzi, N. M. M., Yassin, S. M., & Yusoff, S. I. M. (2018). Reliability, Validity and Fairness of Interviews for Teaching and Learning Project in Quality Early Childhood Care and Education: Preliminary Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(6), 1283–1292.