International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Determinant of Online Shopping Intention in Jordan: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research

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In recent years, the online business environment has become very dynamic and highly competitive due to the globalization and massive developments in this sector. Also, the online shopping has faced many challenges. To deal with these business challenges and to attain consumer intention, the online retailer needs to be a focus on the critical variables which concern consumer to avoid online shopping and to develop a robust e-commerce website to enhance customer trust and get consumer intention. Online shopping in Jordan faces many challenges, Jordanian customers are cash oriented, and the usage of online shopping is decreasing year by year. Drawing from the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study aims to understand why Jordanian distance themselves from online shopping and to propose the novel conceptual model standing on factors that may affect consumer intention to shop online such as, website credibility, website quality, security protection, after-sale service on online shopping intention. The study also highlighted the important role of perceived trust and electronic-word of mouth (e-WOM) as a moderator in the relationship between these factors and online shopping intention. Based on the review of relevant literature, the proposed conceptual model would hopefully lead to helpful insights for the online retailer and future researchers.
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In-Text Citation: (Alsoud & Othman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Alsoud, M. A. S., & Othman, I. bin L. (2018). The Determinant of Online Shopping Intention in Jordan: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 441–457.