International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Changes and Challenges of Secondary Level Teachers Education in Pakistan: A Training Perspective

Open access
In the present world teachers are not only the agents of cultural transformation or managers of discipline and order but also the source of information, searcher of new areas and explorer of the unknown world. Pakistan is a country that has many challenges in different sector but most of them are linked with education in general and teacher education in particular. Training of teachers for knowledge economy reflects among students incorporating and enhancing the world over changes within the frame work of their own culture, tradition and aspiration of the people. That must be the sole purpose of teacher education to enhance current changes.
The education policy (2009) determines that the improving education quality depends on the teachers’ quality, curriculum and pedagogy, text books, assessment approaches, learning environment and physical facilities. Ministry of education (2009) has worked and developed Professional Standard for Teacher Education.
The study is focused on the analysis of currents patterns of teacher education in Pakistan with reference to quality education and suggested the ways and techniques to bring changes and harmonise it with world level training. The weak areas are explored and newer ideas are explained for enhancement of change by predicting the future challenges.