International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship Between Demographic Variables and Brand Personality Dimensions: A Case in Tehran’s Fashion Market

Open access
Traditional methods of market segmentation based on demographic variables have shown mixed results in differentiating between those who are more likely to buy brands with personalities which are more consistent with their own. Taking advantage of the emerging convergence in marketing research on the Aaker’s brand personality dimensions, we focus on the potential of brand personality as a method of identifying different customer segments. A sample of 313 subjects in Tehran was selected to rate the personality traits of their preferred brand in sports clothes. Performing a series of t and ANOVA tests, this paper seeks the relationship between demographic variables and brand personality dimensions. According to the findings, while there is difference in significance of brand personality dimensions to consumers of different age groups and level of education, gender and marital status of consumers are not significantly different in terms of different brand personality dimensions. Results prove that younger people endorse sincere brands more but as consumer’s age increases competent and rugged brands are preferred.