International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Challenges of Sustaining Archaeological Heritage Sites at the Limestone Caves in Kinta Valley, Perak (Malaysia)

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This article discusses the challenges faced in sustaining archaeological heritage sites at several limestone caves in Kinta Valley, Perak. Besides being rich in historical elements, both in the form of historical buildings and in the socio-culture of its community, Kinta Valley is also gifted with uniquely beautiful natural features resulting from the formation of limestone caves. More interesting, archaeological remains have been discovered at some of the limestone caves in Kinta Valley. Given all these advantages, this paper studies the extent to which the potential of the heritage sites in Kinta Valley has been exploited, and the challenges faced in the efforts to sustain these sites. Therefore, this conceptual paper will discuss some of the challenges in sustaining the heritage sites, especially the archaeological sites, at a number of limestone caves in Kinta Valley, Perak. In order to produce this paper, qualitative and observational methods have been applied to obtain sources and findings for the study. The findings are that there have been some issues and challenges in the effort to sustain the heritage (archaeological) sites at the limestone caves in Kinta Valley. Among these are the increasing threats to the condition of the sites caused by natural factors such as weathering, shaking and ruins as a result of quarrying activities, and vandalism and developments that have affected the ecology and environmental sustainability of Kinta Valley.
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In-Text Citation: (Jusoh, Sabin, & Hasni, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Jusoh, A., Sabin, Y. S. @, & Hasni, M. T. (2018). The Challenges of Sustaining Archaeological Heritage Sites at the Limestone Caves in Kinta Valley, Perak (Malaysia). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 997–1009.