International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Developing and Validating Instruments for Measurement of Motivation, Learning Styles and Learning Disciplines for Academic Achievement

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In the study of education, there are still many researchers who use quantitative research methods based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the various relationships between variables in the model formed based on the theory under study. Before data were analyzed with SEM, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was needed to identify the appropriate items for use in the research instrument. Therefore, this study was undertaken to develop and validate EFA-based process instruments for the measurement of motivational constructs, learning styles and disciplines of learning about academic achievement for additional mathematics subjects. This study has adapted the instruments that have been developed by some previous researchers based on the School Learning Inventory model developed by Selmes (1987), and modified some statements in accordance with current research. According to Awang (2010; 2012), if a researcher adapts the instrument previously developed by the researcher and modifies the statement to fit the current research, they need to re-run the EFA procedure, as the current field of study may be different from previous research or current research population far In contrast to previous studies in terms of socio-economic, racial and cultural status. Therefore, some of the previously constructed items are no longer suitable for current research or there may be different structural items in the current study compared to structures that have been found in previous studies. Therefore, researchers need to recalculate the value of Internal Reliability for the current instrument of the new Cronbach Alpha value. Taking into consideration the recommendation by Awang (2010; 2012), researchers have decided to re-run EFA on items that measure their construction. This study will explain in detail the procedures for carrying out EFA analysis for each construct.
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In-Text Citation: (Chik & Abdullah, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Chik, Z., & Abdullah, A. H. (2018). Developing and Validating Instruments for Measurement of Motivation, Learning Styles and Learning Disciplines for Academic Achievement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 585–596.