International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Islamic Perspective on Human Development Management: A Philosophical Approach

Open access

Abang Mohd. Razif Abang Muis, Mohd Syahmir Alias, Musmuliadi Kamaruding, Mohammad Zulfakhairi Mokthar

Pages 535-545 Received: 23 Mar, 2018 Revised: 21 Apr, 2018 Published Online: 03 May, 2018
The conventional human development management sees human as homo economicus, or economic man. By such worldviews, it has cause corruption issues such as bribery, breach of trust and misconduct happened among institution members. It is different from the context of Islamic philosophy which sees the human development management holistically. Therefore, this paper consists of two objectives. First, to identify the concept of human development management. Second, to analyse the human development management from the Islamic perspective, philosophically. The paper employed methods of document research and content analysis. The paper found that human development management from Islamic perspective can be seen from three aspects. First, the ontological aspect which makes the monotheism (tawhid) as the mould. Second, the epistemological aspect which views human from the perspective of Qur’an. Third, the axiological aspect that applies values like courtesy (ihsan), trust (amanah), and consultation (shura). In conclusion, the emphasis of the philosophical aspects from Islamic perspective on human development management is important to overcome the moral deterioration and personality issues that happened among institution members.
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In-Text Citation: (Muis, Alias, Kamaruding, & Mokthar, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Muis, A. M. R. A., Alias, M. S., Kamaruding, M., & Mokthar, M. Z. (2018). Islamic Perspective on Human Development Management: A Philosophical Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 536–545.