International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Branding in Urban Health Management: Overview of an Emerging Literature

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Today, creating healthy cities has become the major challenge for both urban governance and public health management. Public health in urban context can be achieved through creative and new approaches such as social marketing and health branding. This review is aimed to introduce the application of health branding as a rather new but highly important approach to public health and an effective tool for preventive programmes of public health management. Branding strategies work particularly well in health campaigns that seek to spread awareness about the health issue. Adoption of branded ‘‘healthy lifestyles’’ increases the probability that individuals will engage in health promoting and disease preventing behaviours. Branding help health management with the mix of interventions and a planning model in order to change social norms and behaviours. In developing countries such as Iran, utilization of branding strategies in health management systems and services is really new and the true potential of social marketing branding has yet to be realized.
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In-Text Citation: (Asadi & Keshtkaran, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Asadi, D., & Keshtkaran, V. (2018). Branding in Urban Health Management: Overview of an Emerging Literature. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 45–56.