International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conservation of the Ngalai/Berasik Ritualistic Performance of Bajau/Sama’ Ethnic Group for Sustainable Intangible Heritage

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The ritualistic performing arts of ngalai/berasik practised by the ethnic group of Bajau/Sama’ in Sabah that serves as a healing medium in the traditional context has become more and more marginalised by the generation today. Traditionally, the ritual of ngalai/berasik is a performance practice that is used for healing. The ritualistic performance based on the belief of animism is one emerged from human action or desire to find a relationship with the metaphysical or the supernatural because naturally, humans have their own religious emotion. The objective of this study is to highlight the reasonability for preserving the ritualistic performing arts of ngalai/berasik as an intangible heritage in the form of unique ritualistic performing arts. This study applies the ethnographic method to understand the relationship between the behavior and culture through the observation towards the informants. It is hoped that the study outcome will justify the ritual of ngalai/berasik as performing arts in the form of intangible heritage so that it continues to be significant in the current contex for the sustainability of the cultural heritage.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman & Chin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, M. K. A., & Chin, L. F. H. (2018). Conservation of the Ngalai/Berasik Ritualistic Performance of Bajau/Sama’ Ethnic Group for Sustainable Intangible Heritage. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3), 35–45.