International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Impact of Service Quality, Corporate Image and Perceived Value on Brand Loyalty with Presence and Absence of Customer Satisfaction: A Study of four Service Sectors of Pakistan

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Customer satisfaction is one of the major objective of the organizations because satisfaction leads the customers to be loyal and this can be source of competitive edge for the organization. Therefore, this study is designed to investigate the mediating role of customer satisfaction between service quality and brand loyalty, corporate image and brand loyalty, perceived value and brand loyalty in the four distinct service sectors of Pakistan i.e. hospitals, educations, banks and hotels. The data were collected by using nonprobability sampling and snowball sampling from the students for determining educational sectors results and customers of other sectors to examine their results. The total 500 questionnaires distributed to respondents from which 440 (88%) were usable and able for testing. The results indicate that service quality, corporate image and perceived value are the key drivers in enhancing brand loyalty when customer satisfaction mediated in their relationship. The findings confirm the mediating role of customer satisfaction in the relationship of service quality and brand loyalty, corporate image and brand loyalty, perceived value and brand loyalty.
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In-Text Citation: (Ashraf, Ilyas, Imtiaz, & Ahmad, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ashraf, S., Ilyas, R., Imtiaz, M., & Ahmad, S. (2018). Impact of Service Quality, Corporate Image and Perceived Value on Brand Loyalty with Presence and Absence of Customer Satisfaction: A Study of four Service Sectors of Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 444–466.