International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Extent of Applying IFRS on Jordanian Industrial Corporations Listed in the Amman Stock Exchange

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This study aimed to identify the extent of the Jordanian public shareholding listed on the Amman Stock Exchange industrial companies applying IFRS (8) and to identify the obstacles that prevent it. For the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study were used descriptive analytical method, and a questionnaire was designed and distributed to a sample study of (50) companies listed at Amman Stock Exchange at the end of year 2016. (39) questionnaires has been subjected for statistical analysis. The study has a set of results, one of the most important industrial Jordanian public shareholding companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange is committed to identifying covered financial reports operating segments according to the foundations of identifying sectors, it is also committed to disclose sufficient information to help users of financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects of the activities business and economic environment of the operating segments, the results also showed that there are many obstacles that limit the obligation to implement IFRS (8), which was the most important weakness of the role of associations and accounting bodies in develop the skills and expertise of accountants, as well as the majority of those in charge of the preparation of financial reports do not possess sufficient experience and knowledge in the application of IFRS (8).
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In-Text Citation: (Nassar, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Nassar, M. (2018). The Extent of Applying IFRS on Jordanian Industrial Corporations Listed in the Amman Stock Exchange. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 298–309.