International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Resource and Time Availability: An Imperious Stimulus for Entrepreneurial Orientation?

Open access

Shathees Baskaran, Rohaida Basiruddin, Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid, Haliyana Khalid, Tan Sui Hong

Pages 237-253 Received: 18 Jan, 2018 Revised: 17 Feb, 2018 Published Online: 27 Feb, 2018
Long term sustainability of an organization is subject to its ongoing renewal. However, debate about resource and time adequacy to engage into entrepreneurial actions that enable organizational renewal is still continuing. The purpose of this study therefore is to examine the relationship between resource and time availability and also entrepreneurial orientation among employees. Multidimensional view of entrepreneurial orientation (consist of innovativeness, risk-taking and proactiveness) was used in this research. The study was conducted among three cement manufacturing companies in the state of Johor with a population size of about 300 employees. Four hypotheses were formulated to examine the relationship between resource and time availability and entrepreneurial orientation among employees. With a response rate of 70.4 per cent, the hypothesis test indicated that none of the hypothesis were supported. Therefore, it was concluded that there is no relationship between resource and time availability and entrepreneurial orientation.
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In-Text Citation: (Baskaran, Basiruddin, Rasid, Khalid, & Hong, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Baskaran, S., Basiruddin, R., Rasid, S. Z. A., Khalid, H., & Hong, T. S. (2018). Resource and Time Availability: An Imperious Stimulus for Entrepreneurial Orientation? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 237–253.