International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Job Satisfaction of Public Administrative Personnel in Greece

Open access
In the present study participated a total of 67 permanent and contract administrators employed in three separate sections at the Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs. Participants completed the Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985) and demographic and work-related questions. The aims of the present study were (a) to measure the degree of job satisfaction of administrative officials employed in institutions of the Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs and the various facets of it and (b) to examine specific demographic and work-related variables concerning their effect on each facet of job satisfaction as well as its totality. The study showed moderate levels of job satisfaction among participants. Age was found to be the only demographic variable to impact significantly on job satisfaction, while three facets of job satisfaction, one intrinsic (nature of work) and two extrinsic (supervision) and (co-workers) indicate high scores of job satisfaction.