International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effect of Project Portfolio Management on the Performance of Business Organizations in Enugu Nigeria

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With the advancement of technology, sophistication of customers and increasing emphasis on globalization, managers seem to be searching for new approaches to management enterprises. This study examines effect of project portfolio management on the performance of business organizations in Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: determine the effect of efficient project portfolio management on market share, ascertain the effect of efficient project portfolio management on lower prices and assess the effect of efficient project portfolio management on capital growth of business organizations in Enugu, Nigeria. The total population of two hundred and thirty (231) respondents were use. Data obtained from the study were presented in tables. The study hypotheses were tested using linear regression. The result of the study showed that project portfolio management has a significantly effects on market share in business organizations in Enugu (r = .738; p = .000); the result also revealed that efficient project portfolio management positively affects capital growth of business organizations(r =.730; p = .000). It was concluded that effective portfolio management affect the performance of business organization. Management of different organization should see it as a mandate to consistently improve on the project was recommended.
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In-Text Citation: (Okechukwu & Egbo, 2017)
To Cite this Article: Okechukwu, E. U., & Egbo, D. E. (2017). Effect of Project Portfolio Management on the Performance of Business Organizations in Enugu Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(9), 591–604.