International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Nature of Af'al According to Imam Al-Qushayri in the Book "At-Tahbir Fi At-Tazkir"

Open access

Omar S.H.S., Faisal M.N., Fadzli Adam, Najihah A.W., Rahimah E., Othman M.S., Abdullah, S., Omar S.H.S

Pages 258-262 Received: 30 Nov, -0001 Revised: 30 Nov, -0001 Published Online: 14 Sep, 2017
In the time of the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H), the question of Allah's attributes is not a dispute among the Muslims. If so, then it will be referred to Rasulullah (p.b.u.h). The debate about it began to arise in the early second century of Hijri until now and it has become a matter of debate of thought in the perspective of the tawhid. This article is a study of the nature of Allah almighty seen from the side of the thought of a famous Sufi figure in the fifth Hijri, Imam Abd al-Karim bin Hawazin al-Qushayri. This article touches on his character in the field of faith, his arguments in answering the questions regarding the nature of Allah's affirmation and the style and method he uses in bringing to appreciation of those attributes. The research method used in collecting data and information is library research. At the end of the study found that the style and methodology used by Imam al-Qushayri has succeeded in diverting the purpose of the reader from the issue of debate about the nature of af'al solely to appreciation and how to be obedient to Allah almighty.