International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Education in the Perspective of Muhammad Rashid Rida

Open access

Norahida binti Mohamed, Mohamad Zaidin bin Mat@Mohamad, Muhamad Zaid Bin Ismail, Taha Talal Abdul ‘Alim Hanafy

Pages 116-129 Received: 30 Nov, -0001 Revised: 30 Nov, -0001 Published Online: 11 Sep, 2017
Discussions related to the field of education always centered the attention of scholars in whatever circumstances of Muslims, either in the position of progressive or regressive. This situation posits the significance of education in the human civilization of shaping the personality of the ummah and towards the development of the country. Amongst the Islamic scholars that contributed to this field is Muhammad Rashid Rida. His conceptual thoughts on education are seen to be relevant as a reference in the realm of modern education. Henceforth, this article aims to identify the views of Muhammad Rashid Rida towards the concept of education, teaching and learning processes and the dualism issue in the educational system within the Islamic circle. This research paper adopting the approach of qualitative by its primary source is obtained through the content analysis on the magazine Al-Manar. The research findings indicate the thoughts of Muhammad Rashid Rida in the aspect of education is comprehensive and covers the whole stages of education. He also emphasizes the requirement of reforming in few aspects in order to get an education as the agent of reviving the triumph of ummah’s civilization.
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