International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Christian Theologians Views on the Doctrine of Trinity in the Islamic Philosophical Criticism

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This article discusses the views of Christian theologians on the doctrine of trinity in the light of Islamic philosophical criticism. It focuses the oneness of God through Islamic philosophical criticism, understanding the proofs and evidences of Christian theologians based on their Holy Bible, Athanasius Creed and Nicene Creed. The tendency of giving priority of this study is to show the views of Christian theologians on the doctrine of trinity with Islamic philosophical criticism in order to justify and confirm the oneness of God. The objectives of the study is to identify and trace the historical background of the oneness of God as Creator, to confirm that Jesus Christ is not God and creator, to confirm that God is not three persons and the three persons is not same substance and nature of the Son and Holy Spirit, to analyze and summarize the views of the Christian theologians on the doctrine of Trinity with Islamic philosophical criticism. Discourse analysis is employed in this article in order to identify that God is only one. The finding of this article will give a clear understanding about the Oneness of God as uncreated while the Son and the Holy Spirit are created by the Father. This article is significance in providing the clear insight of the Oneness of God to both Christians and Muslims based on Islamic philosophical criticism.