One of the main objective for implementing ‘Quality Management System’ (QMS) is to improve customer satisfaction. It is considered as the main agenda that has to be achieved within quality proliferation. This is crucial in relation to the fact that business output is much more profitable with more customer which lead to more profit. Hence, customer satisfaction is regard as top priority in QMS implementation. On the other hand, ‘Islamic Quality Management System’ IQMS based on Shariah guideline set the objective of the implementation as to achieve Maqasid Shariah, the preservation of religion, life, intellectual, progeny and property. Hence, customer satisfaction is not underlined within the Maqasid Shariah but it is meant to achieve the responsibility with respect to all human being and environment. Therefore the objective of this conceptual article is to highlight the differences in the main objective established within the Quality Management System of the contemporary practice in comparative to the Islamic practice. Scholars and practitioners opinions were analyzed on the bases of literature reviews on QMS and IQMS theories and implementations in which content analysis were conducted. Opinions and core standpoint on the themes of QMS, IQMS, customer satisfaction, Maqasid Shariah and Maslahah ‘Ammah were retrieved from library and website research. Descriptive analysis were performed on the basis of characteristics information on the main themes mentioned. Comparative analysis on the basis of contrastive thought and implementation between the Islamic and the conventional studies shows that the application of QMS comparatively with IQMS are undoubtedly based on two different sets of objectives. QMS drive satisfaction to the unlimited stage which lead to positive and negative consequences. On the other hand IQMS guided the producer to signify ‘maslahah ‘ammah’, the public interest to provide the best resources to the community that lead to the appreciation and ‘syukr’. In conclusion, IQMS views that production and customer satisfaction should be based on the category of consumption in accordance to the level of necessities ‘dharuriyyat’, needs ‘tahsiniyyat’ and complements ‘tazyiniyyat’.
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