International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Evaluation of Remote Sensing Principles 1986: The Unsolved Problems

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In the collection and dissemination of satellite remote sensing data, discrepancy of principle between principle of common heritage of mankind and principle of sovereignty have always became an issue of dispute. In order to uphold the sensed state’s rights as a sovereign state, Principles on Remote Sensing 1986 had been implemented on 11 April 1986 to govern the activities of satellite remote sensing by sense State. This article attempts to identify the lacuna of law in the implementation of Principles on Remote Sensing 1986, in particular in the occasion of collection and dissemination of satellite remote sensing data. From the critical analysis which has been done by the writer, the writer concluded that Principles on Remote Sensing 1986 fails to protect the legal interest of sensed state. Therefore, the writer proposes international cooperation as the most effective solution to the lacuna of law in the Principles on Remote Sensing 1986.