International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Perception of Civil servant Teachers in Pekanbaru City related to the Mayor’s Instruction no. 1 Year 2013 regarding Income Zakat (Profession Zakat)

Open access
The background of this study was sparked by the demonstration of Civil Servant teachers who rejected the Mayor’s Instruction No. 1 year 2013 aiming to optimize the fundraising of income Zakat (Profession Zakat), infaq and Sadaqah among Civil Servants and Employees of governmental enterprises in the Pekanbaru city. The mayor’s instruction did not necessarily get a positive response from all parties, even the teachers objected their salary received every month gets a cut of 2.5% from the Department of Education. They considered that the payment of zakat is the awareness of individuals not on coercion. This descriptive study aimed to determine how the Civil Servant teachers’ perception of Pekanbaru City on the Mayor’s Instruction No. 1 Year 2013 regarding Income Zakat (Profession Zakat) was. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data. The primary data were collected through questionnaires distributed to civil servant teachers of Pekanbaru, while secondary data were obtained from books, literature, internet, and other media. The analytical method used was a descriptive statistical method, it provides the data presentation with charts, graphs, pie charts and percentages then described. The Population in this study were 2,726 moslem civil servant teachers and the sample taken were 96 of them. From the calculation of 96 respondents surveyed, 16.37% stated strongly agree, 21.33% stated agree, 17.36% stated neutral, 42.1% stated disagree, and 2.53% stated strongly disagree. In conclusion, the results showed that most civil servant teachers were "disagree" with the Mayor’s Instruction No. 1 Year 2013 regarding Income Zakat (Profession Zakat).